Posts tagged Support
The Pragmatism and Bravery of Retreating Into Emotional Bunkers

“I’ve come to know the experience of assembling and synthesizing an emotional bunker in order to persevere and survive a period of acute anxiety and depression. A fight or flight response to physical and mental exhaustion, it’s a process that brought me shame, frustration, resilience, and rest. It’s a process that confused me, and it’s a process I’d like to talk about.“

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She's Not the Elephant in the Room

"On October 12th, 2016, my 16-year-old sister, Nicole, passed away suddenly. I will never forget the evening my father phoned to tell me she was missing nor the following night when my mother phoned to tell me she was "no longer with us". I have never understood a darkness so great nor an emptiness so deep. It is still something I struggle with every day and something I will continue to struggle with into the uncertain future."

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