

every team needs expertise relating to sexual violence + harassment, mental health, and compassionate leadership. we provide it for a fraction of what it costs for a full-time, in-house specialist.

We’re experts in communicating ideas and messages to the world using inclusive, accessible language. It can seem daunting to try to stay up-to-date with issues that are in constant flux, so we’re here to help you understand them better while integrating them into your practice.

Common areas of focus for our consulting services:

  1. Inclusive Communications

  2. Inclusive Product & Service Design

  3. Workplace Relations

  4. Policy Development

  5. Leadership

  6. Community Partnerships

  7. Educational Programming

  8. Hiring, On-boarding, and Retention

Whether you need us regularly or just sometimes, we’re flexible and will structure our services accordingly.

Maybe you would like our help with a one-off project at your company.

Maybe you’d like us on retainer around-the-clock and have questions & challenges for us to tackle on a daily basis.

No matter the volume or density of your request, we are flexible and will work with you to ensure you have exactly what you need; no more and no less.

Please use this form or our chat function to request a quote.

All requests will be handled within 24 hours.